Our Story

Unique pieces, considered today as an ancestral heritage transmitted from generation to generation and increasing in value over time.

From Founder
We deliver to more than 15 countries around the world and we are always happy to be able to humbly contribute to the decoration of your interior with our authentic rugs for your unique interior
Lamia BLM
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Behind every Moroccan Berber rug is a unique and authentic story.

Our rugs represents the know-how and the expertise of women and men passionate about this profession that they have inherited generation after generation. Our rugs are woven only by hand with care and take several months to be made.

The value of the Moroccan Rug still lies with ancestral art of artisanal weaving. They are woven with virgin and extremely soft wool. The colors are extracted from nature such as saffron, henna, Alum stone… noble, healthy and sustainable materials.

Our vintage Moroccan rugs are woven in unique pieces and rare to find. They are an artistic and artisanal creations considered today as an ancestral heritage transmitted from generation to generation and increasing in value over time.

Our main mission is to perpetuate this artisanal heritage and to allow Berber families, through the sale of rugs, to have an income and live a decent life but also to encourage the schooling of their children.

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